What is youth? Youth is cheerfulness, health, clarity of mind and a high ability to work. Unfortunately, all of this is something that at the age of 20 is taken for granted, at the age of 30-40 it requires effort, and at the age of 60-70 it begins to fade. Diseases accumulate, sleep and digestion worsen. We all remember how vividly youth is felt. Not everything can be returned ... But to improve digestion, metabolism, restore sleep and improve well-being is within the power of everyone at any age!
Where does the aging process begin?
In a big amount of people, the stomach acidity sharply decreases with age. This is a natural process of atrophy of the so-called parietal cells, which produce hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. With age, their amount become smaller.
Unfortunately, we are not able to restore them yet. This is what Dr. Wright from the USA states. https://www.clinicaleducation.org/resources/reviews/the-role-of-hcl-in-gastric-function-and-health/
Due to this, functional dyspepsia is formed. This means that the main gastric ferment, pepsin, is present, but it does not work because stomach environment is not acidic enough. But it is possible to solve the problem and make digestion the same as in youth!
To do this, you need to increase gastric juice acidity artificially. If earlier substitution therapy was practiced exclusively with hydrochloric acid, then substances such as betaine chloride appeared, which turned into acid in the stomach.
Today, there are more modern products for substitution therapy, such as Bolotov Balsam, which contains a complex of mineral and organic acids. It restores not only stomach acidity, but also the acid-base balance in the body, energy metabolism at all stages - from the food substances fragmentation to their assimilation in cells.
How does acids intake promote body rejuvenation?
The main secret of body rejuvenating with the help of hydrochloric and other acids is that the restoration of the mechanisms of food assimilation “restarts” other organs and systems.
The natural level of stomach acidity leads to the excellent work stomach ferments - they "need" chlorides and a low pH. This is what hydrochloric acid contains. As a result, stomach food is digested much more efficiently and more completely. Moreover, the acidic environment in the stomach excites the receptors of the pyloric sphincter, which separates the stomach from the intestines. Therefore, stomach acidic contents enter the intestine in small portions and are easily neutralized by bile. So intestine environment becomes naturally alkaline. This is exactly what is needed for the work of already intestinal ferments.
Such a difference in acidity in different parts of the GI tract is a sign of a healthy, young body and proper digestion. Complete food digestion and active absorption of nutrients are the result of taking acids.
Metabolism activation of is another important property inherent in Bolotov Balsam. Its components resume the biosynthesis of proteins necessary for cells and tissues "repair", and restore the work of the final stages of energy metabolism, the so-called Krebs cycle. As a result, the body itself "burns" the accumulated toxins, restores the protective buffer systems of blood and tissues.
Normalization of acidity, protein and lipid components of blood and other body fluids leads to cholesterol plaques dissolution in the arteries, salt deposits decrease in the joints, gallbladder and kidneys.
The disappearance of all these problems makes it possible to lead an active lifestyle at any age without suffering from problems with digestion, joints and kidneys.
After all, youth is not age, but a state of the body. And to restore its ability to self-repair is the goal of everyone who wants to feel good even in old age.
Balsam intake recommendations to rejuvenate the body
Bolotov balsam is most effective only with a sufficiently long intake. Recovery of the body in the presence of serious, accumulated problems takes some time. Therefore, to rejuvenate the body, it is better to use small doses of Balsam in long courses.
Balsam dose is gradually increased from 1-2 ml, with 2-3 times a day intake, diluting in 100-200 ml of water. For 7-10 days, a full tsp. (5 ml) three times a day. Graduality is necessary for the body to adapt to the Balsam.
Take Bolotov Balsam after meals, diluting it in 100-200 ml of water.
Normally, improvement and vigor are noticeable after a few days of intake, but the effect is fixed from its intake for eight weeks, after which you need to take a break for a month and repeat the course.
As Bolotov Balsam significantly accelerates food digestion, and makes it more complete, it is desirable to adjust its quantity and composition.