Joint problems are well known to older people. With age, large joints cartilage abrases, joint ligaments and capsules become less elastic. "Extra" deposits of calcium salts appear. Arthritis and arthrosis is a result of it. A person with these diseases begins to feel constant pain, mobility and accuracy of movements reduces. If a problem occurs, it must be treated as soon as possible!
You can learn about what arthritis is, how it differs from arthrosis and how to cope with these diseases with the help of Academician Bolotov's products – Bolotov Balsam and Gel "Healthy Joints", you can find out from our article.
What is arthritis and arthrosis?
Arthritis is joint inflammation. More precisely, not the entire joint, but those parts of it in which there are blood vessels. The joint turns red, becomes hot, painful, swollen. In addition, joint function is lost - its movements are limited. Joint arthritis of the lower extremities is especially unpleasant, because they feel the weight of the whole body.
Osteoarthritis is joint destruction, which occurs as a result of, for example, prolonged inflammation. Under the influence of inflammatory factors, connective tissue grows, initially soft, and then ossified. In place of smooth, mobile, slippery, cartilage-covered joint surfaces, real “bone trees” can grow, causing pain with every movement and increasing inflammation.
For both arthritis and arthrosis, it is important to approach the treatment of the disease in a complex: to eliminate the inflammation causes, relieve pain and swelling, help to restore blood vessels, cartilage, joint fluid. It is very important to prevent inflammation recurrence.
For these purposes, academician Bolotov developed a medical complex that allows you to relieve joints inflammation and can help even with neglected, severe arthrosis.
This complex includes a combination of external application of Gel "Healthy Joints" and internal Bolotov Balsam intake.
How can Bolotov gel and balsam help?
Gel “Healthy Joints” is a special composition of herbal ingredients used to not only relieve the symptoms, but also treat arthritis and arthrosis causes directly.
The combination of extracts of aloe vera, comfrey, calamus and celandine in gel formulation easily penetrates the joint, relieves inflammation, helps restore the articular capsule and regeneration processes in the bones.
Evaporated sea salt and seaweed extract contained in the gel help to reduce swelling of the joint, remove excess liquid from joint cavity.
Intake of Bolotov' "Healthy Joints" gel improves blood supply to the bone, significantly activates the formation of healthy bone and joint tissue. As a result, the articular surface is restored and friction in the articular capsule is reduced.
High anti-inflammatory activity makes Bolotov "Healthy Joints" gel indispensable in the treatment of any joint inflammation.
Since the development of joint inflammation is connected with its blood supply, in order to consolidate the gel effect, it is necessary to help joint vessels. To do this, use Bolotov Balsam, with internal intake. Bolotov Balsam intake course will help the blood restore acidity and buffering properties, and permeability and elasticity of blood vessels walls. This is the best remedy for removing swelling and microclots. Thus, the Balsam naturally enhances the action of the Gel. Another important property of the Balsam is the restoration of the body's energy metabolism at all stages - from food digestion to energy assimilation by the cell. The available energy not only makes a person cheerful, but also accelerates regeneration.
Academician Bolotov also recommends doing compresses of Balsam, diluted in water 1:15, and applying on an affected joint. However, you should not do it yourself. You can find out how to properly apply Balsam compresses by consulting a doctor or specialists from the Bolotov Center.
Arthritis and arthrosis treatment according to Bolotov
Bolotov Gel is a remedy for external use. It is rubbed on the affected joint. For maximum effect, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of the gel on the affected body area, gently rub it in until completely absorbed by the skin. Bandage or clingfilm use increases the effectiveness of the gel, which is put on the affected area immediately after applying the product. The gel is used 2-3 times a day, a course of at least 2 weeks for acute arthritis, and up to 6 months for chronic arthritis and arthrosis.
Bolotov Gel is most effective in combination with dry heating. From the first days of treatment, it is necessary to take Bolotov Balsam internally, 1-1.5 tsp. of the balsam 2-3 times a day. Course treatment is at least 3-4 months. It is better to start its intake during the period of arthritis remission. Balsam intake stimulates the normal GI tract functioning, activates stomach and blood ferments, especially pepsin. This makes it possible to dissolve protein deposits in the vessels and restore blood pH. Normal blood flow, its natural interaction with a vein wall restore blood flow and increase vascular tone, blood supply to the affected joint and the formation of synovial fluid.
Arthritis and arthrosis treatment according to Bolotov can also be combined with traditional treatment regimens with the help of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for these diseases. Normally, in this case, the need for them gradually decreases. The interval between Bolotov Balsam and other products intake is 40 minutes.
Bolotov Center products are a great way to maintain health, vitality and mobility till extreme old age!