Overweight is always a problem with both self-conception and health. Obesity significantly increases probability of occurrence of heart attack, stroke, diabetes ... Remove sagging folds of fat from the body, become slim and attractive - the desire of every woman.
One day, there comes a moment when an overweight woman decides to lose weight. It's a tough time, both physically and mentally. Adjusting your lifestyle, reducing the number of calories in food, start increasing physical activity - all this requires a lot of effort. However, it is necessary to understand that all this is a prerequisite for losing weight.
The turning point is the first 2-3 months, when the body gets used to a new way of life. And at this stage, not seeing the expected result, a lot of women “give up” and they stop fighting extra pounds.
Bolotov Balsam is able to significantly speed up the process of losing weight, "burn" excess fat and improve digestion. Moreover, due to the acceleration of metabolism when using Balsam, not only chronic cellulite disappears, but also cholesterol deposits in the vessels, the functioning of organs and body systems improve. Bolotov Balsam will add you harmony, energy and health!
How does Bolotov Balsam work?
Bolotov balsam is a unique "cocktail" of organic and inorganic acids, antioxidants and biologically active substances.
It has a multifaceted and beneficial effect on metabolism, correcting and accelerating it. At the same time, excess fat naturally disappears, food digestion is greatly facilitated. This is due to the fact that stomach and intestines ferments work only in a certain range of acidity inherent only to them.
If stomach environment is not acidic enough and the intestines are not alkaline enough, the food will not be fully digested. The body, not getting enough amino acids and other substances necessary for normal operation, will require more and more portions of food. Along with the necessary substances, we will also get extra calories from carbohydrates and fats, which easily and joyfully replenish our subcutaneous reserves. Therefore, acidity normalization in the stomach and intestines is the most important element of their proper functioning. After Balsam intake, the stomach environment becomes acidic and contains chlorides, which are necessary for proteins digestion, and the intestinal environment becomes slightly alkaline, with actively working bile and pancreatic ferments.
This is what should be achieved so that the body itself absorbs everything it needs from food, and does not put off excess reserves under the skin.
Bolotov balsam is able to normalize the final stages of food digestion. The body of a modern person is heavily slagged, poisoned by the constant action of nitrates, numerous preservatives from food and toxins. Overloaded and underactive tissues and cells ferments cannot complete the complete decomposition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But one of the Balsam components - succinic acid - is able to improve this process. This acid adds energy to cells and restarts metabolism.
Another important component of the Balsam is antioxidants that bind free radicals and reduce damage to cells and tissues of the body by toxins, wastes and low-quality products. The main aim of antioxidants is to save cells from damage, rejuvenate and "repair". That is why Bolotov Balsam can really rejuvenate the skin, blood vessels and muscles.
How to take Bolotov Balsam for weight loss?
To effectively lose weight with the help of Bolotov Balsam, you need to start taking it a few weeks before the " social outing ". Ideal, Balsam treatment course is 2 months. However, you will feel lightness in the body, improved digestion and vivacity in 2-3 days from the start of Balsam intake.
In order for the body to adapt to the Balsam, it is recommended to take it gradually, with a minimum dose of 1-2 ml / 2-3 times a day, gradually, over 5-7 days, bringing it up to 2 tsp. (10 ml) . The balsam is diluted in 100-200 ml of water and taken immediately after meals.
Since product intake speeds up digestion and makes the digestion of even heavy food fast and complete, it is worth gradually reducing its amount - soon the body will adapt to new conditions and stop “asking for too much”.
For the most effective weight loss, it is worth combining Balsam intake with Ferment of celandine according to Bolotov. This unique remedy cleanses the liver and skin, heals the mucous membranes and perfectly complements the Balsam intake.
Cheerfulness, energy and excellent health will be a bonus of Bolotov Balsam intake.
Contraindication for Balsam intake is exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, individual intolerance to its components.
Losing weight is real, your health and beauty are in your hands!