Bolotov Balsam is a natural product made by academician Bolotov to rejuvenate the body (patent No. 16111 of 07/17/2006). It has a restorative effect, heals the cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory, nervous system, normalizes digestion, enhances proper metabolism, fills organic processes and strength activity.
The drink cleanses the body and participates in the tissue regeneration process. It prevents the accumulation of toxins, nitrates and toxins. It helps dissolve old and damaged cells - therefore it gives the opportunity for the growth of new and young ones. The balsam prevents the stone formation in kidneys, bladder and removes excess salt. Also, it cleanses the blood and blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar level, so after a course of treatment, the heart works much better and blood pressure normalizes, the risk of stroke and heart attack is significantly reduced.
Due to its chemical and biological features, Bolotov balsam has a complex effect on the body, strengthening the most important life systems. Amber acid allows you to activate the digestion of food and its assimilation at all process stages - from the activation of gastric juice enzymes to cellular respiration. High-polyphenol grape vinegar removes toxins, toxins, and radiation. The complex of acids contributes to the normalization of the work of the digestive tract, starts the body tissue regeneration process.
Bolotov balsam is a significant help on the way to health.