Oferta pública

1. General Provisions
1.1. The information below is an official offer (public offer) to any legal entity or individual to conclude an agreement for the purchase of goods from FOP Bolotov M. B. The specified agreement is public, i.e. according to Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its conditions are the same for all buyers.
1.2. FOP Bolotov M. B., hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", publishes a Public offer for the sale of goods according to the samples presented on the official website of the Seller http://balzambolotova.com.
1.3. This document is a public offer, and if the conditions set out below are accepted, the individual accepting this offer, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", pays for the Goods to the Seller in accordance with the terms of the public offer. Payment for the Goods by the Buyer is recognized as acceptance of the Seller's offer and indicates the fact of the conclusion of a retail purchase agreement on the terms and conditions set forth in the offer.
1.4. Before paying for the Goods, we recommend that you carefully read the text of the public offer, as well as information about the Goods: its consumer properties, the place of manufacture of the Goods, the manufacturer, certificates, the price and conditions for purchasing the Goods, its delivery, service life, expiration date and warranty period, on the procedure for paying for the Goods posted on the website http://balzambolotova.com and if you do not agree with any clause of the offer, or you are not satisfied with the consumer properties of the Goods, as well as other conditions associated with the purchase of the Goods, you are offered refuse non-cash payment for the Goods provided by the Seller (do not accept this offer).
2. Subject of the contract
2.1. The Seller sells Bolotov's Balm, hereinafter referred to as the "Goods", in accordance with the conditions published on the Seller's website http://balzambolotova.com and this offer, and the Buyer makes payment and accepts the Goods in accordance with the terms of this offer.
3. Placing an Order
3.1. The order of the Goods is carried out by the Buyer through the Internet site: http://balzambolotova.com.
3.2. The order of the Goods is made by filling out the established form with all the necessary details.
3.3. The Buyer agrees to the Seller to process, use and store his personal data provided when placing an order for the Goods in order to fulfill the Seller's obligations arising from the sales contract. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the personal data of the Buyer, specified when placing an order for the Goods on the website http://balzambolotova.com, to persons not related to the execution of the order for the Goods.
3.4. The Seller is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when placing an order for the Goods.
3.5. Payment by the Buyer of an order for the Goods placed on the website http://balzambolotova.com means the Buyer's consent to the terms of this offer.
The method of payment is chosen by the Buyer independently, from those offered on the website http://balzambolotova.com. The day of payment for the order of the Goods is the date of conclusion of the Purchase Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer.
3.6. All information materials presented on the site http://balzambolotova.com correspond to the information contained in the written instructions (guidelines for use) of the Goods, which is issued in the form of a separate insert and is attached to each copy of the Goods, in order to inform the buyer in writing.
3.7. The photographs accompanying the Goods may differ slightly from the actual appearance of the Goods, taking into account the peculiarities of the color transmission of various devices with which the Site is viewed.
3.8. When placing an order for the Goods, the Buyer expresses his consent to receive information about the goods of FOP Bolotov M. B. by e-mail and / or via SMS messages.
4. Delivery of goods
4.1. Delivery of the Goods is carried out by a specialized delivery service "Ukrposhta". The cost of delivery is included in the price of the Goods, while the price of the Goods does not include the cost of paying the costs of returning the Goods from the Buyer to the Seller due to the return of the Goods for various reasons specified in Section 5 and Section 7 of this offer.
4.2. The expected date of transfer of the Order to the Delivery Service is reported to the Buyer by the manager servicing the Order by e-mail or during a follow-up call to the Buyer.
4.3. The Goods are considered delivered at the moment of their transfer to the Buyer or any person who has presented a receipt or other document confirming the conclusion of the contract or the registration of the delivery of the Goods. By signing on the invoice of the courier service or transport company, the Buyer confirms the fulfillment of the order of the Goods. The courier service or transport company hands over to the buyer an invoice and a waybill signed by the Seller.
4.4. If the Buyer provides false information about his contact details, the Seller is not responsible for the improper execution of the order of the Goods.
5. Payment for the Order
5.1. In accordance with the provisions of clause 6.3 of this offer, payment of customs duties, other payments provided for by the national legislation of the country of residence of the Buyer, is made by the Buyer independently and at his own expense. The Buyer independently, before placing an order for the Goods, studies the conditions of import import and payment of customs duties provided for by the national legislation of the country of import. If the Buyer refuses to pay customs and other fees stipulated by the national legislation of the country of import, for various reasons, including due to high customs duties, the return of the Goods is made in accordance with the procedure established by section 7 of this offer.
5.2. If, after confirming the order of the Goods, the Buyer decides to change the delivery address within the country of delivery, then the issues of redirecting the delivery are resolved by him independently and at his own expense, after acceptance and customs clearance of the imported goods at the address originally indicated and confirmed in the application for the Goods. If the Buyer refuses to receive the Goods at the address originally indicated and confirmed in the application for the Goods, then the refund of funds paid to the Buyer for the Goods is made in the manner prescribed by par. 3 clause 7.1 of section 7 of this offer.
5.3. Changing the country of delivery after confirming the order for the Goods is not allowed. In case of refusal of the Goods, due to a change in the country of delivery after the formation and dispatch of the parcel, the return of the Goods to the Seller and the funds to the Buyer is carried out in the manner prescribed by par. 3 clause 7.1 of section 7 of this offer. In case of refusal of the Goods, due to a change in the country of delivery before the formation and dispatch of the parcel, the refund of the funds paid to the Seller is made at the request of the Buyer in the manner established by clause 7.5 of section 7 of this offer.
5.4. The change of the recipient of the Goods is carried out in the manner prescribed by the national legislation of the Buyer's country, by transferring the relevant powers by the Buyer to another person and passing the customs clearance procedure for the import of the Goods, at the initiative and at the expense of the Buyer.
5.5. In case of delay by the Buyer of the obligation to receive and customs clearance of the received Goods, for reasons beyond the control of the Seller, the Buyer has the right to return the money paid for the Goods in the manner prescribed by par. 3 clause 7.1 of section 7 of this offer.
5.6. If the Buyer does not provide, at the request of the customs authorities of the country of importation, the documents necessary for customs clearance, then the refund for the Goods is made in the manner prescribed by par. 3 clause 7.1 of section 7 of this offer.
6. Payment for the Goods
6.1. Payment for the Goods is accepted by one of the methods indicated on the website http://balzambolotova.com.
6.2. The price of the Goods indicated on the website http://balzambolotova.com includes the cost of the Goods and the cost of delivering the Goods from the Seller to the Buyer at the rates of the Ukrposhta delivery service.
6.3. Payment of customs fees, other payments provided for by the national legislation of the country of residence. The Buyer is made by the Buyer independently and at his own expense. The seller is not responsible for these payments. The Buyer independently, before placing an order for the Goods, studies the conditions of import import and payment of customs duties provided for by the national legislation of the country of import.
7. Rights, duties and responsibilities
7.1. The Buyer has the right to refuse the ordered Goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the Goods - within 7 days. The return of the Goods of good quality is possible if its presentation, the integrity of the packaging (not opened), consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified Goods are preserved. The buyer's absence of the specified document does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to other evidence of the purchase of the Goods from this seller. Refunds for the Goods are made only after the actual return of the Goods to the Seller. All questions on the organization of sending and transportation of the Goods for the purpose of returning to the Seller are resolved by the Buyer independently and at his own expense. When returning the Goods by the Buyer, the Seller withholds from the amount returned to the Buyer the cost of delivery, which he paid to the courier service or transport company for sending this Goods to the Buyer.
7.2. In the event that the Seller delivers the Goods of inadequate quality, the Buyer undertakes to notify the Seller no later than 20 days from the date of receipt of the Goods.
7.3. Return of the Goods is carried out at the address: 04211, Kiev, st. Obolonskaya Embankment, 3.
7.4. The Goods may be returned to the Seller no later than 10 days from the date of the Buyer's notification of his intention to return the Goods. The return period does not include the delivery time of the Goods from the Buyer to the Seller, in case of sending through a courier service or a transport company.
7.5. If the return of the amount paid by the Buyer in accordance with the contract is not carried out simultaneously with the return of the Goods by the Buyer, the return of the specified amount is carried out by the Seller with the consent of the Buyer in one of the following ways:
a) in cash at the location of the seller;
b) by postal order;
c) by transferring the appropriate amount to the bank or other account of the Buyer specified by the Buyer.
7.6. Loss of consumer properties of the Goods due to improper storage, use, is not a basis for termination of the contract of sale and return of funds to the Buyer.
7.7. The Seller is not responsible for the improper use of the Goods by the Buyer ordered on the website.
7.8. All claims for improper execution of the ordered Goods and questions that arise when placing an order for the Goods, the Buyer has the right to send through the "Ask a question" section of the site.